We call our site jihadcapitalistcrisis.blogspot.com and the reason for this is very simple. The reactionary forces of Islam are linked with and in the reactionary forces of capitalism in crisis, of Obama and Bush, of Cameron and Blair.
It is hard to know which is the main partner, Jihad or capitalism/imperialism

What is certain is that in these countries the capitalist west joined in with the Jihad
1. (1965) Suharto takes over from Sukarno in Indonesia, PKI Communists liquidated, at least half a million murders
2. (1990s) From 1991 to 1995 especially, the complete destruction of a country, Yugoslavia, and especially in Bosnia and Kosovo there is an open alliance between Jihad and the western capitalist powers
3. In recent months, in the so-called and very misnamed “Arab Spring”, there is a complete change in the world situation with Israel and Jewish people terribly threatened. This is brought about by the most open alliance between Jihad and the western capitalist powers represented by the intervention of Islam. Barbaric cruelty has been involved and on display on our television screens daily but many are closing their eyes to this: A. Ivory Coast B. Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Libya, Syria C. Above all the alliance of Obama and Jihad against Israel on behalf of the Palestinian Arab Fascists.
Why is capitalism joining with the Jihad (Jihad is the essence of Islam)?
The Crisis! The Crisis! The Crisis!
That is the only explanation that makes any sense. But again there are many who cannot see this. They are stuck in the past, in old thoughts about the world…
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