Thursday, January 5, 2012


The people of the world need to learn that the Palestinian Arab movement was founded by the Nazis.
But do they understand what is the “Samson Option”? They must!

Telling the truth to the Israeli people is also telling the truth to the people of the world.

First the Samson “option” or the Samson “alternative”.

I have studied the key posting on Israpundit (see below). I have learned that if push comes to shove ALL Israeli Jewish leaders are “Samsons”.

Israeli people, and the world, must therefore understand that the essence of having any or all weapons is FIRST STRIKE.

The technology has changed yes. But the laws of war have changed little from the parable of the man walking down the street to kill you. Strategy and only strategy available is kill him first.

The world must understand that Jews as a people have been oppressed and kicked about first by the Romans/Christians,  later by the Muslims, today even conspiracy nutheads get in on the act (all really human’s dregs).

I do not think that the Samson “alternative” is inevitable because of my politics. But I back Francisco and others on this.

Where I depart from Francisco on this issue is that he says Israel needs a “leader”. I say that Israel needs a leadership, a party, and that (all respect to Feiglin) it does not have such a party.

That is such an obvious point.

The reason this must be a United Front type of leadership is that we all disagree but are united on vital things to do with Israel.

The essential thing is telling the truth. On that Francisco scores high with me.

Also I emphasise, not just hajj Amin el Husseini, but the Samson “option” must be got across to the world.

I have met many anti-Semites and there is a type of person who needs to be wakened up.
Why Iran is such a danger is that they are getting nuclear bombs, and in the period of 1944 to 1945 when Hitler and Himmler knew they were defeated they ACCELERATED the gassing. They were mad. They were not rational. Nothing about anti-Semitism is rational.

An understanding of this simple concept of history has got great implication for Israeli leadership today.

Things are dark. We face massive enemies. We face especially a Jew hating media in Israel too. On the positive side there is the most progressive “alternative” media in Israel, hence Francisco was invited on an important radio show. In that regard Israel is the most progressive nation on earth today.

Please consider action. The world is changed not by thought but by practice, even though that practice must be guided by correct thought.

The first step is to find a leader/leadership which will have a method of working and living which tells it as it is. This means telling the truth about history, especially the relevance to the situation of understanding who is Hajj Amin el Husseini, but including an understanding of the Samson “option”.

I would literally do anything, travel anywhere to advance this.

(reference is made above to a vital article on Israpundit. it is a difficult article and expresses the confusion in the Jewish world, but also the extreme distress that the growth of antisemitism is causing, and also the level of denial in the western world. Many are antisemites without knowing it. i think this article needs to be studied by you.

(reference is also made to Francisco Gil White. Francisco was a professor in Penn State University but was driven out by the CIA connections because he exposed the antisemitism and antiserbism of the US ruling elites. He has just been interviewed on a prominent Israeli radio show. His site is

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